You Will Laugh

Many years ago -- Chuck showing off his "blowfish" skills. Did it make you laugh? Scripture: 21 “Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled. “Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh. Observation: Luke’s Sermon on the Plain is not identical to Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount. There are nuanced differences that you find throughout his shorter version. He adds the word “now” to show the immediate need of the individual. If you are hungry now — you will be filled. These are fulfillments of Old Testament promises where God will satisfy the hungry and bring comfort and joy to his people. There is the allusion to the Messianic banquet when the Lord will prepare a table, and wipe away all the tears from our eyes (Isa. 25:6-8). This vision of the coming banquet is common in Luke, and here he is making this introduction. We sing about the comfort and joy that our Lord brings. Matthew says that those who weep now will be comforted. Luke’s referenc...