“If I tell you, you will not believe.”
Just thought we needed a picture of this cutie who finished first grade yesterday! Scripture: Luke 22:66 When day came, the assembly of the elders of the people, both chief priests and scribes, gathered together, and they brought him to their council. 67 They said, “If you are the Messiah, tell us.” He replied, “If I tell you, you will not believe; 68 and if I question you, you will not answer. 69 But from now on the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the power of God.” 70 All of them asked, “Are you, then, the Son of God?” He said to them, “You say that I am.” 71 Then they said, “What further testimony do we need? We have heard it ourselves from his own lips!” Observation: It was dawn and Jesus stood trial before the Sanhedrin. Different words were used here to describe who Jesus was, the first being Messiah. They asked him point blank whether he was the Messiah and his response challenged them at the point of their unbelief. If he would have told ...