How Productive Are You?


Titus 3:14 And let people learn to devote themselves to good works in order to meet urgent needs, so that they may not be unproductive.


These instructions to Titus are for us as well.  As followers of Jesus Christ we are to devote ourselves to loving him, but also to loving others.  When we love others we reach out and do good works to those who are around us.  There are urgent needs around us on nearly a daily basis and we must be responsive.  We are to be productive followers of Jesus Christ -- this is the Lord's desire for our lives.


Living out our love for Jesus Christ means that we engage with the needs in our world.  A follower of Christ cannot live in seclusion, simply in relationship with him.  When we fall in love with our Lord, we fall in love with his people and we are driven to be productive. 

The question we have to ask ourselves is "how" are we going to be productive.  This is important because being "productive" is different from being "busy."  It's easy to become busy and fill our days and hours with lots of programs and activities, but these may not actually result in truly meeting needs.  We must look at the world around us and ask the Lord to give us his eyes to see the "real" needs. 

What kinds of needs are surrounding us?  There are those who are emotionally damaged, those who are struggling to survive from one day to the next, and those who simply need the gentle touch of the Savior.  At the same time there are those who need to hear about the real Jesus! 

It seems that many Christians that I meet these days are not passionate about the lost.  No longer are we productive in helping people come to know Christ.  Why is this the case?  Could it be that we have not allowed ourselves to fall so in love with the Lord that we are broken over the needs of the world around us.  Instead, we insulate ourselves in the busyness of our own lives and therefore we don't have to get our hands dirty by working in the world.  If this is the case, then we are missing out on what God intends for each of his followers. 

We are to be productive.  That is God's expectation for his children. 


Lord, please help me to see the world with your eyes and be broken for the things that break your heart.  Amen.


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