Where’s The Power?


1Cor. 4:20 For the kingdom of God depends not on talk but on power.


There was a growing arrogance in the church.  Places of position and levels of education were creating a type of hierarchy that was resulting in division.  Paul was concerned about the behavior and he was convinced that an ability to speak with eloquence was not an indicator of one’s spiritual growth.  Instead one needed to look on the power that was revealed in the life of the individual.  Those who were in the kingdom of God were not there because they could speak well.  It was recognized that they were in the kingdom by the fact that their lives were a reflection of Jesus Christ and his power.


Social media, the television and the internet have all changed the face of Christianity.  As much as we wouldn’t want to admit it we are influenced by the consumer characteristics of our world.  What is it that sells?  Nice looking people with products that make us feel good, packaged in appealing ways — that’s what sells!  Let’s admit that we are attracted to these types of folks who are preaching as well.  Sometimes we are more overcome with the superficial than we are with what they are really saying — or whether they have the power of the Holy Spirit or not.  Marketing ability does not equate to being Spirit-filled!

We must be willing to look beyond the exterior and examine whether a person’s work or ministry is fueled by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Is there true transformation happening in the lives of those around them?  Does the person look like, act like, and sound like Jesus — even when no one is looking?

Could it be that we have become so attracted to commercialism that we fail to look for the power?  God has always been in the business of using ordinary individuals who have been committed to him.  It is God that is revealed when he can take the ordinary and turn it into something extraordinary.  It doesn’t take a marketing team to do that! 

We ought to be seeking the power and the infilling of God’s Holy Spirit in and through all that we do.  Be true to God and what he wants to do in and through you and let him take care of the rest.  The kingdom of God will not expand through human advertising campaigns, but only through his power!


Lord, may I trust in you and your power to move and make a difference today and every day.  Amen.


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