The Hope In You

The Hope in You


1 Peter 3:13-15

Now who will harm you if you are eager to do what is good? But even if you do suffer for doing what is right, you are blessed. Do not fear what they fear, and do not be intimidated, but in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. Always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you;


The Christ-follower is being transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ and this results in a change of behaviors. The desire is to do good in all things. Sometimes this becomes misunderstood by those around. We are admonished to continue doing good and do not succumb to the fear which may be felt because of peer pressure. Continuing to grow in grace and holiness, our lives are to become more and more filled with the presence of Christ. This becomes the motivating factor for all that we do in life and makes it easy to explain our actions.


At the core of our being and the major motivating force we must find the sanctifying power of the presence of Jesus Christ. We are on a journey in which the Spirit is continually perfecting God's children, leading to the goal of Christlikeness.

This transformation must be accompanied by Christ-like actions and often these actions will not make everyone happy. Jesus ruffled the feathers of the religious leaders because he didn't do things the way they thought he should. He was hanging out with the people on the margins and if we are following him, that is where he will lead us. Intentional interaction with people in the margins of life means that Jesus will be seen and experienced. Our actions become our defense or the gospel. This is the hope that is in us...that we can become more and more like Christ. Our actions become the testimony of Christ in us.


Lord, please help me draw closer to you and continue to do your transforming work in my life. When things get rough, may my eyes be lifted to you and may your holy love continue to lead and guide. Amen.


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