On the Holy Mountain

Isaiah 65:25     The wolf and the lamb shall feed together,
        the lion shall eat straw like the ox;
        but the serpent—its food shall be dust!
    They shall not hurt or destroy
        on all my holy mountain,    
            says the Lord.


Holiness transforms the vilest of enemies into peaceable friends. On the holy mountain of God the remarkable begins to occur as the wolf and the lamb eat together and the carnivorous lion simply eats straw. The enemy — the serpent — is defeated and eats dust. No longer is there any harm done among the former enemies for the holy mountain transforms all.


The invitation is to join the Lord on the holy mountain where complete transformation leads us into the holy life. It’s the place where my former neighbor in Moscow, the one who had persecuted Christians, can be transformed and become a believer himself. It’s the place where those with petty differences can put them aside and be united in genuine friendship because of the work of the Holy Spirit. It’s the place where jealousy no longer exists, and revenge cannot be a part of the vocabulary.

We are invited up onto the holy mountain as we continue our spiritual growth. There we discover that we are transformed by the holy presence of Jesus. Our wills live in submission to his will and our desires become his desires. The peace of Christ washes over all who dwell in that space. It’s a promised future, but a present reality for those who continue in their spiritual journey.

The holy mountain awaits not just a few, but all, with power to transform everyone!


Lord, the promise of the holy mountain brings peace into the dark valley. Thank you! Amen.


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