Unshakable Kingdom

Heb. 11:28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us give thanks, by which we offer to God an acceptable worship with reverence and awe; 29 for indeed our God is a consuming fire.


The things of this world are only temporary and can be shaken in many ways. Governments, economies, natural resources, and physical structures can all shift beneath our feet, but we are invited into participation in the heavenly kingdom. That’s why we give thanks to God on high and participate in the unshakable kingdom, filled with overwhelming awe and reverence for the power of God. Our powerful God is a holy, loving, consuming fire who can take our simple lives and transform them as we live in the unshakable kingdom.


We are shaken by earthly kingdoms on a daily basis. All we have to do is to read the the news headlines and discover that things in this world are not all that stable. Worldly kingdoms are shaken by complex factors which influence geopolitics. Sometimes the activities of leaders are influenced by selfish desires, and at others by being forced into a corner and seeking for ways in which to survive. The earthly kingdoms are all interrelated in one way or another and we create shaky scenarios when resources get out of balance. Concerns over water, the ability to grow food, and the questionable possibility to provide for the next generation can create stress, and when one nation loses its resources, it must look elsewhere. Generally neighbors don’t freely give to one another and as tensions increase, eventually people will fight for survival. The kingdoms of the world become shakable and the feeling of being boxed in a corner creates a need to break through our human barriers or constraints. 

In contrast we are all invited to become citizens of God’s kingdom. The geopolitical, racial and gender barriers are destroyed in this kingdom and the golden rule is supposed to be actively at work. The kingdom is unshakable when her citizens respond with the love of Jesus Christ and willingly give up what they have for the sake of others. 

We are given the gift of this unshakable kingdom. Our response is to be one of gratitude and worship. We participate in the unshakable kingdom on a daily basis and yet, we must set aside specific time for worship. When we gather for worship we focus upon the One who has given us the gift of the Unshakable Kingdom. With awe and reverence we come before our heavenly Father who purifies us from the things of this world that keep us attached to the shakable kingdom. 
In the midst of all that is shakable, we are invited to participate in the unshakable. 


Lord, please lead me into fun participation in your kingdom. Amen.


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