Changing Times


Eph. 5:15   Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise, 16 making the most of the time, because the days are evil. 17 So do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit, 19 as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts, 20 giving thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


The times were changing, and it was necessary to live in the wisdom of the Spirit. This means intentional turning from folly, refusing to live as the unwise. Instead, this wisdom is reflected in the wise use of time, in true worship and a heart of thanksgiving. 

This is a season where the faithless hold dominion, and in this time, it is prudent for God’s people to live in a careful manner, to avoid scandal. Live, faithful in conduct, especially among those who are not believers. The wisdom of God helps us know how to interact with those who are holding dominion in this time, and may be turbulent, filled with rage and anger. 

This time does not belong to God’s people. We are simply migrants, or expatriates, traveling through a foreign country, or time. Therefore, do not stop to seek honors, or glory, or authority or even retribution in a time that is not yours. Bear what you must bear, because only in patience will time be redeemed, or changed. Or, maybe our perspective on time will be changed. You see, the times themselves are not evil, but it is humans themselves who are evil, and this evil occurs in time. The day itself, the sun rising and setting, this is enabled by God, and it is good. 

But now, Christ, the son of righteousness has risen. This is the changing time. It’s a part of the Lenten journey, for the times are changing. It’s time to cast off folly, and embrace God’s wisdom. In doing so we become protected from the evil influences on time. The church, the bride of Christ, will find within herself a unity even in the diversity of the times. 


We are on our Lenten journey and along this pathway, we discover a new time. There is a new rhythm to this season that leads us into Christ’s time. Paul encourages us to think very practically if we are to move into changing times. We are to be cautious about the ways in which we live. Christ is our example, and he didn’t waste time. In his short life here on this earth he poured himself out for the sake of others. We begin to understand the will of the Lord, when we get to know the Lord on a deeply profound level. Why would we cloud our minds with alcohol? When we do, we are unable to discern the times. We can be drawn away to a different space and suddenly discover we are not on the Lenten journey, but one that will lead us to a time of trouble. 

God’s people are called upon to be filled with the Spirit. Have you ever been to church and had a worship experience where you felt that you had been transported to another time or space? Some have described it as a think place, or experiencing heaven on earth. When we refuse to be filled with the things of this world and are, instead, filled with the Spirit as we praise and worship the Lord, we are transported to a new time. An attitude of praise and thanksgiving is a pathway to changing times. 

Why would we want to live engulfed by the evil of this world? There is a way out, and that is to be engaged with God, in God’s time and space. It takes intentional practice and the presence of the Spirit, but if we do, we will experience changing times. 


Lord, may this be a Spirit-filled, grace-driven day. Amen. 


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