Where Is God?


Mark 15:38 And the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.


The temple was not visible from the place where Jesus was crucified and yet, Mark inserts this additional detail because it is of utmost importance. This is presented as an act of God because, the inner curtain to the Holy of Holies was nearly ten meters high and would have taken super-natural strength to tear. The outer curtain was seen larger, about twenty-five meters high. We are not sure which curtain it was that was torn but, the rending of either curtain in the temple revealed the most holy place, making it open to view. 

Throughout Mark’s gospel we have seen that God’s dwelling among his people has been in Jesus. When Jesus is with his followers, God is there in the midst. The place of God is no longer in the holy of holies, or in the temple, but is now among the people of his new covenant. This is revealed in the moment of the tearing of the curtain, leaving you with a sense that the Spirit of God had left the temple and was now to be among the people. 


Many people today are asking, “Where is God?” The challenges we are facing on a daily basis are greater than most of us have ever experienced. There is frustration with our circumstances and lots of folks wondering, “Where is God” in the midst of all this? 

Others are asking whether this is something that God is doing to punish humanity. I don’t think that’s the case, because throughout history humanity has had to live with her choices, whether good or bad. That’s the freedom that God gave us, but it comes with consequences, and brings us back to the question, “Where is God?” 

God is here with us, in our pain and suffering. When the curtain was torn it was symbolic of an unleashing of God’s holy presence that would now dwell among humankind. When God’s people are filled with the Holy Spirit, we become the living stones of the temple. It’s God’s spirit-infused people who are the church in the world. So, where is God? God is with us, in us, and dwelling through us. 

If that is the case, then the church remains alive and well, even when God’s people cannot gather to worship. That’s hard for us because this is Easter week. I don’t recall ever not going to church on Easter. I still plan to go to church on Easter, only differently this year. I believe that the Spirit of God unites us all together in hearts and minds, because God is with us. 

If you don’t know where God is right now, then look to the cross. Jesus died for us, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, and the Spirit was unleashed to live within us and bring us peace. We can live through this season without fear, because of what Jesus has done and provided for us. 

May the peace of God’s Spirit be unleashed upon our hearts and minds today. 


Lord, this is a most unusual holy week for us, but I know that through our circumstances, you will lead us to the cross. Thank you for your suffering which brings us peace. Amen. 


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