Stand Firm


Phil. 4:1 Therefore, my brothers and sisters, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord in this way, my beloved.


The word “therefore” stands as a bridge between what has gone before and the statement that Paul now makes. He has already exhorted the Philippians to be strong in their faith, not allowing the Judaisers to lead them astray. At the same time, he’s been worried that they are too delicate in their faith and unwilling to claim their heavenly citizenship. After all of this, he now encourages them to stand firm. 

Paul obviously loves this church dearly. He refers to them as his brothers and sisters, for this is what they have become in Christ. Through adoption, all may now become members of God’s family. These siblings in Christ have become Paul’s pride and joy. Even though he is in prison, he can rejoice when thinking about these dear believers in Philippi. The crown may be a reference to the victor’s crown made of dried celery leaves and placed upon the head of those winning in the Olympic and other games. But Paul doesn’t need to win an earthly crown, for the lives of the faithful, serving the Lord in Philippi are his reward. 

To stand firm, embraces everything that Paul has said before. They are to follow Paul’s Christlike example in all things. This is only made possible by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. 


Relationships run deep in the letters of the Apostle Paul. One can see how intertwined the lives of the missionary Paul and his church plant have become. Paul’s behavior becomes a reflection of the deep love and affection that Christ has for her church. 

We have the privilege of becoming brothers and sisters to our Lord. Jesus loves us and is encouraging us to stand firm in the midst of a world that would try to shake our foundations. He desperately wants the church to reflect him in all things. Just imagine, when the church is faithful, we bring joy to our Savior! At the same time, when the church behaves in ways that are unfaithful, our Lord is brought to tears and suffers great pain. 

The church becomes the crowning glory of Jesus’ creation — at least this is the intent. This means that the church must live into her calling as Jesus’ bride, shining radiantly, living out her heavenly citizenship and refusing to succumb to the voices of the world. In this way alone can the church become the crown of Jesus.

The church must stand firm upon the rock of Jesus Christ. There are forces wanting to drag the church away from her firm foundation, and the voices are all very tempting. This is why Paul urges the church to stand firm, and we are reminded again today that we must — stand firm! Only in this way will the church be all that she is supposed to be. She must stand firm on the word of God, following and living out the example in the life of Christ. This will be radically different from anything the world has experienced, but it is our calling, as dearly beloved brothers and sisters. 


Lord, may my roots grow deeper and my foundation become stronger, day after day. Amen. 


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