A Personal Appeal
2Pet. 1:12 Therefore I intend to keep on reminding you of these things, though you know them already and are established in the truth that has come to you. 13 I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to refresh your memory, 14 since I know that my death will come soon, as indeed our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me. 15 And I will make every effort so that after my departure you may be able at any time to recall these things.
We see here the value and importance of this apostolic teaching. Peter’s personal appeal is for those who read his words to make the connection that he was an eye-witness to the life of Christ. Yes, he had already taught them these truths but he wanted to reiterate them so that they would not forget the truth about Jesus. His plan is to personally share his story again and again until the time of his death.
Peter seemed to be aware, through Christ, of his impending demise, and therefore there is a sense of urgency in his message. For the remainder of his days he would make his personal appeal, sharing his own first-hand experiences of Jesus Christ.
Everything about Peter’s life pointed toward Jesus Christ. Until his death he wanted to continue to make his own personal appeal to those whom he was discipling. What an example for all of us and a challenge to think about in our own lives.
- Do we have a compelling testimony about the work of Christ in our lives? This is something that should be on the tip of our tongue every day. We should have renewed experiences with God throughout our lives so that our witness and testimony can be fresh. If we don’t, then this needs to be a point of prayer, asking God to fill and refresh us anew.
- What occupies our thoughts these days? Somehow, I believe that Peter’s mind was constantly filled with thoughts of Jesus. There are many distractions to life, but there would have been for Peter as well. It seems that he intentionally shut off anything that would keep him from fellowshipping with the Divine Nature.
- What is the primary focus of our lives? There was no doubt that Jesus was the center of Peter’s life. Day in and day out he looked for opportunities to tell the stories from his own life. He make no apology for telling those stories over and over again until the day that he died. This is who he was and what he would do — and there is no doubt about the primary focus of his life.
This was all very personal to Peter and he becomes an example for all of us. The Christian walk is supposed to be deeply personal and also communal. Peter didn’t keep his experiences to himself but saw them as a benefit to the entire Christian community, even if they were not in the same space physically. Peter remained connected to the entire body and desired the very best for all of them. This meant that he had to keep making his personal appeal, for their faith was directly connected to his. We are all interconnected and we make personal appeals because the health of the whole community of faith is impacted by the faith of the individual.
Lord, I pray for a life that is as consumed by you as that of Peter. I want to know you more and fellowship in your holy presence. Amen.
Thank you for these, I appreciate you!