What have you done with your light?

A winter storm in Ohio a few years ago. 


Luke 8:16   “No one after lighting a lamp hides it under a jar, or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a lampstand, so that those who enter may see the light. 17 For nothing is hidden that will not be disclosed, nor is anything secret that will not become known and come to light. 18 Then pay attention to how you listen; for to those who have, more will be given; and from those who do not have, even what they seem to have will be taken away.”


After the parable of the sower, immediately we come to this little statement from Jesus about the light. We must recall that while he may have returned to speaking to the crowd, he is still specifically mentoring the disciples. This appears to be directed toward them, as they are the ones whom he expects to listen carefully, and to become light to the world. 

Once the disciples have been filled up with the truth of Jesus Christ, they are like a lamp that has been lit. He is challenging them to follow him into itinerant ministry, where they will take their light and spread it everywhere that they go. When they carry the light of Christ, the secret things of the past will be disclosed. 

The disciples are to pay attention to how they are listening, because everything that Jesus is saying is extremely important. Even among the disciples there are those to whom more authority will be given, and others who will lose everything. 


One of my favorite childhood songs was “This Little Light of Mine — I’m gonna Let it Shine.” I probably liked it because of the hand motions that went with it, and it was really fun. At the same time, it’s easy to sing about something, and yet, not really listen to what you’re singing about. 

We are all called to be disciples who shine our light for Jesus. A light is supposed to brighten up the darkness. Jesus talked about the ridiculousness of hiding the light under a clay jar after it had been lit. Instead, the light should be put up on a stand so that it brightens up the entire space. The same is true for followers of Jesus Christ. When we have received the light of salvation into our own lives, we are supposed to let the light shine brightly. 

The reality is that it’s easy to hide our light. We may try to keep our light at home and use it only for ourselves. We take our light to church where we shine brightly among the other lights — or do we just blend in? We take our light to the home of our friends and loved ones and they all have lights too. But there’s a world of darkness all around us that has no light. Why are we keeping the light where there is already light, but not taking it where it is desperately needed?

Recently there was a terrible winter storm that went through Texas and for a myriad of reasons there were huge power outages. Everyone was looking for power, or light. I read of some who had generators who put out power-strips for their neighbors so that they could charge much needed equipment. They took the power that they had and brought it to those who had none — they wanted to share with those in need. 

We are living in a world that suffers from darkness. Many think that stumbling around in the darkness is the new norm, but followers of Jesus have the light. Will we listen and pay attention to what Jesus wants from us? For the disciples, it was a life of itinerancy, a life on the road, telling others about Jesus. What about us? Where will we take our light? 


Lord, I want to share your light with this world. Lead me in your grace and wisdom. Amen. 


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