Thinking You’ve Given Jesus Enough


Matt. 19:21 Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.”
Matt. 19:22 When the young man heard this word, he went away grieving, for he had many possessions.


A young man came to Jesus and was discussing the law with him.  He seemed to know the law of Moses quite well and yet, he wanted affirmation from Jesus that he was doing the right thing.  He asked Jesus, “What do I still lack?”  Today’s scriptures are the response that he receives. 

The use of the word “perfect” is in response to the word “lack.”  To be made perfect, or to be complete in his responsibility meant that he would have to sell everything and follow Jesus.  To be complete, or to reach the goal for which you have been created means that one steps wholeheartedly into their relationship with Jesus Christ; a radical relationship in which you give up all that you have and follow Christ. 

The young man thought following the law would be good enough.  A daily relationship with Christ was hard for him to imagine, and he chose his possessions over Jesus. 


The storehouses of our wealth are to be eternal investments.  Following Jesus means being willing to put all assets of your life under his complete and total control.  This is the type of radical faith and Christianity that God desires from his people.  It is not about a minimal investment on a two or three times a month basis.  It is a whole-hearted investment of all that we have which is put under his authority.  This is finding perfection or being made complete in him.

The sad truth is that many of those who call themselves Christians believe that they have given Jesus enough.  Somehow, on their own, they have determined how much is “enough.”  And when a person has considerable means it becomes easy to believe that you have given enough along the way.

The only enough is all!  That’s what Jesus wants from us — everything.  This is not for his benefit, but for ours.  His desire is to make us perfect — complete in him!  If we hold onto the things of the world that will keep us from being all that he intended us to be, then we will not enjoy all that the has for us. 

With Jesus — it’s all or nothing.  Have you given him enough?


Lord, please help me to be willing to give you all, every day.  Amen.


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