What Have You Seen?


1John 1:1 ¶ We declare to you what was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the word of life—


The opening line of this letter is one in which we are invited to read the testimony of the author. The author is declaring the things he has seen, heard and touched. This Jesus whom he is proclaiming is not dead, but instead is the living word, the life-giving word and a man whom he knew personally. There was nothing to be made up about the Savior, for he had experienced more with Jesus than he could even recount and Jesus’ teaching had brought truth that revealed the mysteries from the beginning of time. John had seen it all!


This Scripture really is a challenge for all of God’s children for we wonder whether we could possibly have a testimony like this. What would it mean for us to declare all that we have experienced with the Lord.

I find it fascinating that John utilizes all of his senses in relation to Christ. Christ is not an immaterial spiritual being, but is instead the very incarnate presence of God on earth. Jesus has walked and talked with his disciples for years and has revealed to them what it means for God’s people to be his holy people. It’s not just a state of mind, nor is it exclusion from the world, it’s being holy in the world. It’s Jesus walking and talking with sinners. It’s Jesus being intentional about teaching and discipling others. It’s Jesus using every moment and opportunity to call sinners to him. It’s Jesus going to the needy and reaching out and touching them at the point of their deepest need.

John had heard the teaching of Jesus.

John had seen the miracles of Jesus.

John had rubbed elbows with Jesus.

We don’t often think about the very personal way in which the disciples knew Jesus. Think about hours together on hot boats out on the sea of Galilee with the sweaty and smelly bodies of fishermen. This was the Jesus that John had experienced — a very earthy human and yet divine being who led him into knowing all Truth.

And all this begs the question — what could you declare about Jesus? Have we given him enough space in our lives that we would be able to report on all that we have experienced? If not, we need to allow him into every part of our lives and this can be a bit tricky. Somehow it may seem comfortable to allow him into our minds and into our worship but somehow we compartmentalize him there and don’t let him into the earthiness of our own lives. However, this is where he wants to dwell with us in all that we do — including the nitty gritty of every day life.

He wants to be with us in the classroom.

He wants to be with us in the grocery store.

He wants to be with us in the church softball game.

He wants to be with us on that date.

He wants to be in our marriages.

He wants to be in the midst of our outings with our friends.

He wants us to be able to explain what it is that we have heard, and touched and seen. We are to testify to the work of Jesus Christ just as John has. This is only possible when we are experiencing him in every aspect of our lives.


Lord, may I be able to share today and everyday what it is that I have seen.  Amen.


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