Sharing the Good News
Is. 52:7 How beautiful upon the mountains
are the feet of the messenger who announces peace,
who brings good news,
who announces salvation,
who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”
The people were awaiting the good news, hoping that salvation was coming. Runners would arrive carrying news — they were the mailmen! Looking to the mountains and awaiting the arrival of the news carrier there is praise for the one who will bring the message. This is the one who is running as fast as possible across the mountain heights to bring the news that God is victorious! Salvation has come — “Your God reigns.”
Can you imagine what it must have been like to be the one who was carrying the good news that their army had been victorious and the people would be saved! Running with all that you have you would race toward home, knowing that the people would be anxious to hear what you have to say. The people would choose the best runners to be the ones to carry this news. Young men who could run with great speed, able to run and jump over anything put in their way — they were the ones with the beautiful feet.
We are all charged to be bearers of the good news. Do we follow the example of the messengers of Isaiah’s day? We are to run swiftly bringing the good news as quickly as possible to those who are suffering. Obstacles may be placed in our way but with training and practice we are able to make it past those hurdles and reach those who are desperate to hear the good news.
This is a challenge to our passion to share the good news. Compared to the messenger we may be looking a bit timid. The mountain may look too big. The obstacles may seem to great. Instead of taking the time to train we sit and evaluate all the difficulties and decide that it’s simply better not to even try.
The people were looking for any sign of a messenger of hope. They strained to look up at the mountains. People are straining today. Will they see someone appear over the hill?
We are challenged to share the good news that we have received. Disciples must be disciplined, toning their spiritual muscles and learning to maneuver the obstacle course of life so that we can bring the good news to those who are waiting. We have the best news ever to share with our world. Let’s not sit on it — but get up and get going — people are waiting!
Lord, please help me to be your messenger. Amen.
Thank you to Nazarene Publishing House and Keri Mitchell for helping to create and publish Reflecting the Image. This is not a devotional book, but rather a collection of thoughts and stories which lead us in the direction of reflecting Christ. Click on the image to take you to the NPH bookstore.The book is also available in Kindle format on
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