A Dead Calm
Mark 4:39 He woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm.
As Jesus and the disciples were in the boat traveling to the other side of the sea a terrible storm arose. While the disciples were terrified, Jesus remained fast asleep. Eventually they woke him up and asked him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” His response is today’s text. Obviously he cared for his disciples but they still didn’t realize who it was that was with them. This is the revelation of Jesus Christ, that he is the Creator and that he has power and authority over that which he has created.
His words translated mean to silence or muzzle the waters. The response of the sea is like that of an exhausted child who finally stops fighting their parent, relaxes in their arms and drops off to sleep. The heaving of the waters cease and complete rest, “a dead calm” comes upon the entire scene. It is a peace and stillness that only the Creator could have brought about and this leaves the disciples in stunned silence and awe.
The world around us is a raging sea and the storms of life are blowing. Simply turning on the television or perusing the internet for news makes us realize that there is an incredible storm brewing.
Of course the storm doesn't have to be on the world stage, political or economic front but can be found within our own home. It could be an illness, a strained relationship or any number of other things. We can live overwhelmed by the raging storm or we can live in the dead calm and peace found in Christ. The One who has power over nature is still in control today.
Lord, may I live resting in your peace. Amen.
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