First, Get This Right


Psa. 1:1    Happy are those
who do not follow the advice of the wicked,
or take the path that sinners tread,
or sit in the seat of scoffers;
2 but their delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law they meditate day and night.
3 They are like trees
planted by streams of water,
which yield their fruit in its season,
and their leaves do not wither.
In all that they do, they prosper.


This first Psalm becomes foundational to all the rest. Throughout life there will be days of trouble and yet, we discover the ways in which God leads. The wicked will always be nearby offering a tempting pathway for life that appears to be easy. The one who chooses to follow God must learn to stand firm and not give into the the temptations of the ego. Getting strokes from other people means nothing when it comes to kingdom life. 

Learning to delight in God’s law and making it a priority in life will change everything. Taking the time to meditate on the word provides a new type of nourishment for life. We are transplanted from the dry desert of trying to do life on our own and planted firmly beside everlasting waters. We read about the river in the garden of Eden, and then again in the closing chapter of Revelation. The water of the Spirit will be eternally refreshing, allowing us to bring forth fruit in the God’s timing and season. When we remain fed by God’s water we do not wither, but continue to prosper spiritually. 

The Psalmist brings this promising word right at the beginning. All of life must be grounded in this foundational understanding and be eternally fed by the living water so that we can walk, stand and sit, day in and day out, in the ways of God. This is a lifestyle to be embraced. 


Is there anything distinct about my lifestyle, or would it be indistinguishable from those around me? I believe this is what the Psalmist is asking here from the outset. If we are to be followers of God, then there must be a commitment to a lifestyle which is dedicated to following Christ. 

The streams of living water are available to all today who are willing to be transplanted. It’s easy to complain about the desert of our lives when we refuse to be transplanted into a place where we just may flourish. The trees needed to be planted by the water so that they could grow. We need to be planted in a place where the Holy Spirit can provide us with all that we need for life on a daily basis. That means we have to take time to have our thirst quenched by the Holy Spirit. This includes time in the word and prayer, as well as fellowship with other believers and worship. 

We know that in many of the later Psalms the Psalmist laments the difficult situations which he encounters. We will come face to face with trials and tribulations, but to be able to persevere, we must first become grounded. To become grounded requires commitment to Christ and a lifestyle in which we will be continually fed and filled. Take time to grow deep roots so that when the winds blow we will be able to stand. 


Lord, please help me to be nourished by the Holy Spirit’s presence today and lead me along life’s journey, whether good or bad, rooted in you.  Amen. 


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