Thoughtful Leadership


Esther 10: 3 For Mordecai the Jew was next in rank to King Ahasuerus, and he was powerful among the Jews and popular with his many kindred, for he sought the good of his people and interceded for the welfare of all his descendants. 


Mordecai was a faithful Jew who did all that he could in his lifetime to serve many. He was a faithful citizen and acted justly in the needs and desires of the King. It was his consistency throughout his life that became a factor when trouble befell the Jewish people. Serving for the sake of others, he did everything he could to make the world a better place. 

Ultimately he became second in command to the King. By serving faithfully in a government position he was able to intercede on behalf of his people. As a result his people had good days and his descendants were able to live in a world which had been shaped by him. His thoughtful leadership meant looking out for the good of others. While he could have used his power to his own benefit, he chose to exercise power for those who had none. 


There will always be a need for thoughtful, servant leaders. A leader must understand their place of responsibility. Mordecai knew that he was to be the protector of the Jews. He did everything necessary to fulfill this calling, taking his responsibility seriously and serving well.

Thoughtful leadership requires a genuine passion and concern for those within the leader's care. A leader cannot be focused on self-preservation, but on the needs of others. Mordecai had no defensive posture, but allowed truth to win the day. Even when others were intentionally plotting against him, he stood his ground, a man of integrity and good character. The king and all the people were impressed with the way in which he handled himself. By looking out for the needs of his own people, he made the entire kingdom a better place. By doing the best within our own sphere of influence, we reach beyond boundaries and improve the welfare of those whose lives we intersect. 

Thoughtful leadership requires intercession, or intervention. Mordecai was willing to take action when action was needed. He didn’t shy away from the task, but rather found every way possible to make a difference. He worked hard because he knew that this wasn’t just for him or his generation, but for those who would come after. Our responsibilities lie in providing a pathway to the future for those who will come after us. Thoughtful leadership takes the long view. Self-centered leadership seeks the easy answers that will make the leader look good. Sometimes thoughtful leaders will never get to see the results of their work, but they continue in the same direction for they understand that this is what it will take to be faithful. 

If we are ever empowered we must never forget the place from which we have come. Mordecai always remembered who he was and this informed his leadership. May we never forget the distances we have traveled with the Lord and if we find ourselves in a place with power, remember to be the voice for those who have none.

Thoughtful leadership helps to usher in peace for it seeks the good of others. May God raise up more Mordecais in our day.


Lord, may no power or influence ever be wasted, but used in service to your kingdom. Amen. 


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