Why Not Return to the Faith?
2 Cor. 5:20 So we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us; we entreat you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. 21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
2Cor. 6:1 As we work together with him, we urge you also not to accept the grace of God in vain. 2 For he says,
“At an acceptable time I have listened to you,
and on a day of salvation I have helped you.”
See, now is the acceptable time; see, now is the day of salvation!
Paul is an ambassador for Christ, one who is representing the kingdom of God here on earth. Therefore, he doesn’t speak for himself, but he appeals to those who have become entangled by legalism to cut themselves free and to find a real relationship with God. This reconciling is a healing of wounds that have come from the stranglehold of religion that did not allow for the freedom to be found in Christ. He goes on to share about the truth of gospel, that Jesus, out of his great love became sin for us so that we might become like God. That’s a very bold saying, but it’s something to be accepted by faith, for it is a mystery.
There is a day and a time in which we are invited to receive this salvation from Christ. When is that day? It’s now — it’s today!
These last few weeks I’ve reflected much on the long view of life, especially in light of my mother’s death. Somehow, looking back over her life helps to put so many things into perspective. When she was a young lady she was presented with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and she responded. it changed everything about how she lived her life, and ultimately, the way in which others would live their lives as well. As we celebrated her journey it was obvious that she had embraced her faith and allowed it to permeate every part of her being. However, even if she struggled a little with legalism, she never allowed it to suffocate her. She found ways around the legalism that led her directly to an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
Legalism has driven many from the faith. I think it was true for Paul’s era, for those who had adopted the legalism of the Pharisees had created barriers to an intimate relationship with God. It’s our walls which have grown increasingly higher that may be keeping us from knowing what true faith is today. Instead of tearing down the walls and finding a gracious and loving God, we ran far away from the walls, living in “freedom.” The only problem with that “freedom” is that it doesn’t provide for the deep sense of peace which can come from intimacy with God. Instead, fear and anxiety rise up inside when the security of our world is shaken. We want to control it all, but on those days when everything is out of control, we discover that we don’t have the power to fix everything!
This world is wounded and in deep need of healing. It’s the creator (physician) who knows how to do all the repairs, but only when there are willing patients. Accepting the grace of God is not a vain venture! Can I explain it all? No. But I do know that we are all invited into this divine mystery that transcends our human understanding, and in that place we find our personal and corporate place of peace.
Maybe it’s been a long time since we stood and looked at the big wall of religion and chose to walk away. Today is the day, an acceptable time to return to the faith — not the wall. When we respond to the grace of Jesus we discover that he has already broken down that wall and invites to step over the rubble and into his gracious arms. “See, now is the acceptable time; see, now is the day of salvation!” On this Ash Wednesday, we are invited to come in humility and stand before our loving Lord. Why not return to the faith?
Lord, I pray for my dear ones who may be thinking about you today. Amen.
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