What is Best


Philippians 1:10 to help you to determine what is best, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, 


Paul’s intercessory prayer for the Philippians continues with his concern for their daily lives. He wants them to be able to discern what is morally and spiritually excellent for their lives. In doing so they can live holy lives, ones that will prepare them to stand the test when they are before Christ. His perspective is for the long-haul, and he wants them to invest in making the best choices in life. 


Every day we are confronted with options in life. There are always decisions that need to be made. A majority of the time we may make those decisions without every really thinking about the consequences. Some decision-making becomes innate, but that can only happen when it has become a habit. Paul wants the Christians to develop habits for a lifetime, and these help them to do what is best. 

As Paul prays for the Philippians, so we too, ought to pray that God would give us discernment to do what is best. This prayer for discernment must become a part of our regular practice, so that God informs our decision-making. The way in which we live our life every day is of consequence. If we believe in the transformational power of the Holy Spirit, then we, as believers ought to live our lives in a way that reflects the holiness of Christ. I think that’s what Paul was saying. 

As followers of Jesus Christ, we are to seek out the best. We are to do our best. We are to make the best decisions that we can, both for the sake of our relationship with the Lord, and with others. 


Lord, I seek your best leading and direction in my life. For the sake of your work and your kingdom, I want to do my best for you. I need the empowering of your Holy Spirit to lead me every single day. Amen. 


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