A Radical Change in Marriage

Grateful for 37 years with this guy. 


1Pet. 3:7   Husbands, in the same way, show consideration for your wives in your life together, paying honor to the woman as the weaker sex, since they too are also heirs of the gracious gift of life—so that nothing may hinder your prayers.


Peter’s words to husband help us to understand that there was an expectation of a radical change in marriage for those who became believers. It was very risky for a woman to become a Christian, but it was different for a man. Once he made the decision to follow Christ, the entire household would follow his leadership and change their practices. With this came a new way of treating wives which was entirely counter-cultural to Roman society. In the Roman world the wife was treated as property and it was her responsibility to bear and raise children for financial security and for a future. A man was free to satisfy his sexual desires anywhere that he wanted outside of marriage. 

Peter suggests that the marriage is now to become a sacred relationship, one in which there is love and mutuality. The husband is supposed to show consideration to his wife, not as property, but as someone with whom he shares life. Recognizing that she does not have the same legal rights, nor is she as physically strong, he is to honor the wife. He should never force himself on her for his sexual pleasure, but is to honor her and their sexual relationship. The women are then recognized as heirs in the kingdom of God. This is not dependent upon their husbands, but they are now joint heirs of all that God has to offer. 

This passage also helps us see that the husband is to have a robust prayer life. All of this points to a marriage between one man and one one woman who love and respect one another and become partners in God’s work. 


God’s intention for a Christian marriage is radically different from that of the world of the first century. It’s probably quite different from that of the world twenty centuries later, as well. The presence of Christ in the world changed everything in the life of the believer. Remember, these words were to those who were followers of Christ, and they were not trying to impress this behavior upon the world. It was the way in which they lived counter-culturally, even in marriage, that was to be a witness to Christ. Their marriages were to be an evangelistic tool. 

Could the same be said for us today? We are to take this mandate just as seriously as the believers of the first century. What happens in the home is a reflection of our relationship with Christ. When we love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, we then love our spouses as our closest neighbors. We treat one another in marriage the same way that Christ would treat us. This is why a Christian marriage becomes such a powerful testimony to the world, because it reflects attitudes that are not common. 

A Christian marriage is also to be hallowed ground, where there is a practice of prayer. The family altar is vitally important to the development of the Christian home. All of this represents a radical change in marriage that happens in the life of the believer.


Lord, may my marriage be a witness to you and your peace. Amen. 


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