The Don’ts and the Do’s


1Pet. 2:11   Beloved, I urge you as aliens and exiles to abstain from the desires of the flesh that wage war against the soul. 12 Conduct yourselves honorably among the Gentiles, so that, though they malign you as evildoers, they may see your honorable deeds and glorify God when he comes to judge.


The focus of Peter’s letter shifts as he begins to focus on the Christian life. This is an overarching framework of things from which we are to abstain, and the ways in which we are to live. Christians are a part of God’s nation, and as such, they are focused on living the way that God intends. As aliens and exiles in the world, we are not to be driven by what the world says is important, nor do we succumb to the desires of the flesh. Don’t be influenced to respond in the same way that the world will respond. 

At the same time Christians are to behave in such a way that your life and witness are honorable. The early church was maligned by society. Because they referred to each other as “brother” and “sister” the world charged them with incest. Because they gathered for “love feasts” where they celebrated communion, the world claimed that they sacrificed children and drank blood. The world looked upon Christians and thought that they were atheists because they only believed in one God and the way in which they lived their lives was entirely counter-cultural. So, while they were being maligned by society, they were to live honorably, participating in honorable deeds and glorifying God. 


We don’t really like the idea of do’s and don’ts. The church hunkered down under legalism for far too long and so there’s been push-back, but sometimes we’ve gone too far. Coming back to the word of God we discover that there are don’ts and do’s that are vital to living as the people of God. We are to be a unique people who do not conform to the secular culture of the day. 

If it feels good — do it! That’s what the world is telling us, and the world might even suggest that if we don’t encourage people to do whatever feels good, that we are being discriminatory. That’s why Christianity is so counter-cultural, because we live by the word of God and as aliens in this world — and we will be maligned. The world is beginning to look more and more like the first century, and this is why we must embrace our identity as aliens and exiles. 

At the same time, we must behave in ways that are beyond reproach. Every follower of Jesus Christ must conduct themselves honorably, and this is in what we say and do. We must love those within the church and in the world, and especially those who may disagree with us. Only as the church displays the holy love of God will she have a witness and testimony that will be appealing to the world. That’s why our conduct matters! 

The don’ts and the do’s have been around since the beginning of Christianity and they provide a framework for how we should live. Let’s not reject them, but take them seriously, so that God gets the glory. 


Lord, we’re not doing the best job of reflecting you these days. May you come in your healing power and help us to live as you desire. Amen. 


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