The Most Foolish of Men!


2 Peter 2:15 They have left the straight road and have gone astray, following the road of Balaam son of Bosor, who loved the wages of doing wrong, 16 but was rebuked for his own transgression; a speechless donkey spoke with a human voice and restrained the prophet’s madness.


Peter continues to talk about the false prophets. Far too many have come to know Christ but then their greed has overcome them and they have sought for ways to become wealthy through the manipulation of the people. These are the most foolish of men, those who have left the straight road and gone astray. 

The example is then given of Balaam. This story comes to us from the Old Testament, and from Jewish tradition. It is the tradition that has told us that it was the donkey, not an angel, who rebuked Balaam. The Venerable Bede tells us, “There is nothing quite like the love of money to tempt the licentious into corrupting the word of truth” (On 2 Peter). Daniel Powers puts it this way, “Balaam’s judgment was swayed by his greed so that he actually thought he could succeed in his plan of opposing God’s will. Similarly the false teachers, who deny the reality of God’s judgment, foolishly imagine they can sin with impunity. But in Balaam’s case even his donkey knew better!” (NBBC, see Bauckham 1983, 270)


I’m challenged by the fact that there were individuals who were on the straight road, but who had gone astray. We find these same people today, those who call themselves followers of Jesus Christ, but who are leading people right off the path. They appear to be very genuine and sincere, and yet, they are not tuned into the life of Christ. Great passion appears when it comes to social issues, but those cannot be dealt with in a vacuum. John Wesley told his followers that they were saved to do good works, but first and foremost, they were to be saved. No one is saved by good works, but only by the grace of God. Peter makes it very clear that the Christ-followers are to be different because they are found in Christ. 

The false teachers and the most foolish of men are not in Christ. They are self-centered and motivated by their personal greed. Instead of responding faithfully and sharing the difficult truths of God, they will only share the portions that they like, and what they believe will tickle the ears of those listening. My concern is how people get to this place? I believe there are men and women who are genuinely called of God who begin their journey on the straight path. I also know that there are those who fall off that path, or end up on one heading in the wrong direction. I’m convinced that it has to do with distance from God. The only way that we can stay on the straight path is through the grace and power of God, and that is only possible through regular and constant connection through prayer. 

Without regular and on-going connection with God, we become the most foolish of men. It is those who call themselves followers of Christ, but who are heading on a trajectory away from the straight path, that are the most dangerous threat to Christianity. 


Lord, may the most foolish of men be revealed. Please, protect your children from following false leaders and teachers. Amen. 


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