Aging Gracefully


Prov. 16:31     Gray hair is a crown of glory;
        it is gained in a righteous life.

Prov. 17:6     Grandchildren are the crown of the aged,
        and the glory of children is their parents.


Here are more nuggets of wisdom that we get from Solomon.  Gray hair only comes when one has lived a long life.  People who die young, possibly at the hands of their own folly never get to have that gray hair.  Wisdom says that this "crown of glory" comes from having lived a righteous life.  At the same time it is those with gray hair that are probably the grandparents as well.  Not only is gray hair a crown, but so are grandchildren.  And the children are proud of their parents for the way in which the parents have lived and become glory for their own children.


Today's Scriptures brought me right to my parents.  My mother has the most beautiful gray/white hair.  I remember when she finally started "letting it go."  That was a little hard on her, she didn't want to think that she was aging and yet, her white hair is prettier than her dark hair was.  As she aged she seemed to glow and become more beautiful.  She will soon be 90 years of age and yet, to me, she has been crowned with glory. 

My mother and my father have learned to age gracefully, serving God in all that they do.  They truly are a glory to their children.  But it has been gained through a life of righteousness.  Long ago both of them chose to serve God and they have been true to the Lord through and through.  Even today it is not unusual to call my parents and one of them will be out ministering to someone who lives there in "the home."  There never was a time when they thought they were to hang everything up and "retire."  That is simply not in their nature.  They never will "retire" for they will constantly be working to love and to help others. 

My parents have been an incredible example to me and I am so grateful.  They truly are my glory and I trust that I can age as gracefully in the Lord as they have. 


Lord, thank you for the gift of my parents and what they have meant to me.  Amen.


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