Comparing Yourself to Others


2Cor. 10:12   We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who commend themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another, and compare themselves with one another, they do not show good sense.


The temptation in Paul’s day, and in ours, is to compare ourselves with others. Paul had his short-comings and there seemed to be those who were quite ready to point those out to him. He learned to see himself in light of God’s calling in his life.

Comparing yourself to another Paul said, does “not show good sense.” Trying hard to look good in the eyes of others and commending yourself, should not be necessary. We are to be servants of God and we are to boast in one thing alone — God! This is his business and we are simply his servants.


I think that one of the ploys of the enemy is to distract us from the work that God has placed before us. All too soon we begin to think that what we’re doing is about us, and not about him! Every one of us is challenged to take up God’s work and to be faithful to do that for his glory, and not for ours. When we begin to think it’s about us, we forget that it’s his. Comparing ourselves to others is not humility — it is a lack of dependence upon God. Paul says it pretty clearly, “they do not show good sense.”

When the temptation comes to glance over at others and wonder where we fit in the picture, turn your eyes to Jesus who suffered on the cross and follow him!


Lord, thank you for the joy of service in your kingdom. Amen.


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