Truth and Holiness
Psa. 93:5 Your decrees are very sure;
holiness befits your house,
O LORD, forevermore.
In the midst of the raging waters of this world God’s truth remains the same. The world will change her mind and things will be in and out of season, but God’s holiness doesn’t change with the styles of the world. God’s holiness is just that — God’s holiness! The very nature and character of God and when God dwells in the house, then God’s nature fills the place. Your temple, both personal and corporate, is to be a place of God’s dwelling. When God is in the house it becomes a holy house, cleansed from sin and reflects the beauty of God’s holiness. “It is the holiness of God’s house that secures it against the many waters and their noise.” (Henry) God’s truth set the Psalmist free as he lived into the very nature of the God with whom he fellowshipped.
The promise of this passage is transformation into the image of God and living in his holiness for all of eternity. God’s truth leads us to a place of all encompassing submission to God’s leading in our lives. There must be complete surrender to our own personal desires and submission to God's.
We do live in a time of questioning -- when we begin to wonder if there is any such thing as truth. The word tells us that Jesus is truth. All truth can be found in him and therefore to know truth, is to know him in a personal way. To know the decrees of the Lord is to know the mind of Christ. His thoughts become our thoughts and he begins to infuse our understanding with with his very nature and character. God begins to dwell in and through us and in every facet of our lives. The nature of God befits our house -- for God dwells in our house.
What dark corners of our house are unbefitting holiness? They are the ones in which we do not allow the truth of Jesus to enter. I'm guessing we all have those areas of our lives where we would like to remain master. Submission to God must become a natural part of our daily walk with the Lord. The Psalmist had to learn his own lessons and so do we. It's that daily invitation -- keeping the doors of our personal lives unlocked and allowing the Holy Spirit to freely dwell in every part of our being. God's holiness becomes ever-present, permeating our lives, and leading us into an everlasting relationship with our holy God.
Lord, please help me to walk in your truth. Amen.
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