Let’s Be Positive


Phil. 4:4   Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 


Paul was in prison and yet, he was rejoicing in the Lord, and encouraging others to do the same. 


I find it far too easy to get grumpy about first-world problems. It’s irritating when electronics don’t work the way they’re supposed to! We don’t like it when a flight is delayed, or when one of our favorite foods is no longer available at the local drive-through! Wow — how terrible is all of that? (dripping with sarcasm) It’s just not that bad, and yet, I think we live in a society that may encourage us to gripe and complain. We all believe that we ought to have things our way, and if not, somehow we have been terribly slighted. 

Paul had given up every benefit for the sake of others. He was willing to live under house arrest — paying for his own “jail” — so that he could minister to others. He referred to the fact that he was in chains — and yet, he rejoiced. 

Something happens in our lives when we choose to be positive. Instead of focusing on the negatives, when we intentionally embrace the good in our lives, our entire outlook changes. It means that we can be in difficult circumstances and yet, we can rejoice in the Lord. 

Just think, when our electronics don’t work, we may have the opportunity to meet or speak with someone who needs to hear a cheery voice. Maybe a flight delay opens up the door for conversation with the seat mate, who just may have needed to be encouraged. And that favorite food, maybe it wasn’t all that healthy after all — and we rejoice because we are no longer tempted to eat it! We can take the things that frustrate it, and make every moment an opportunity to rejoice in the Lord! 

Maybe Paul knew that would not always be easy so he had to say it again. Let’s try and be positive, finding a way to rejoice and praise the Lord for our lives. We are probably better off than we ever imagined. 


Lord, I rejoice in you today and give you the praise. Thank you for allowing me the privilege of being your child and serving you.  Amen. 


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