Stand in His Holy Place


Psa. 24:3        Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD?
        And who shall stand in his holy place?
4     Those who have clean hands and pure hearts,
        who do not lift up their souls to what is false,
        and do not swear deceitfully.
5     They will receive blessing from the LORD,
        and vindication from the God of their salvation.
6     Such is the company of those who seek him,
        who seek the face of the God of Jacob. Selah


God’s loving invitation for his people continually reaches out us in a desire for us to join him, standing in his holy place. His intention is that we would all be his holy people, ascend the hill and fellowship with him.

His holy hill leads us to the very holy of holies of God, but only those who are righteous may stand in his presence. This is not because of some kind of punishment, but because of the purity of God’s holy love which destroys all impurities. He wants us to be in his presence, united with him. This is the goal of the holy life.

The holy life looks much different from the unholy life with a heart transformation that results in a purity of motivation and affects the ways in which we use our bodies — as the hands and feet of the LORD on a daily basis. Those with clean hands and pure hearts lead transformed lives that do not succumb to the desires of the flesh.

God is the salvation of his people and those who seek his face may stand in the company of the God of Jacob.


I’m not sure that we can fully comprehend what it means to be invited into the holy place of God most high. The language here reminds us of an invitation into the tent of meeting or the holy of holies. We are being called up into God’s presence and he wants to share our company! That’s an amazing thing and yet there is a cost attached. Too many want to live a type of cheap Christianity, one that requires very little of us. We may declare that we are culturally Christian but there is no pure heart and nor are there clean hands.

What is it that drives you from day to day? Is it a desire to climb the holy hill of God and stand in his holy place? Unfortunately there are too many things of this world that may be a distraction to that goal. We have to work. We want to spend time with family. We like to hand out with friends. Our hobby is taking much of our time, money and attention. While all of these things may not be bad, if they keep us from what God really desires for us they will keep us from reaching what he has in store for all of us.

Seeking the face of God results in reflecting him back to the world. His holy light shines into the dark corners of our lives and reveals the things which are unholy and cleanses them. A pure heart is suddenly filled with the things of God. The things that break his heart, break our hearts. His passions and motivations become our passions and motivations for as we ascend the hill we become more and more united with him.

As our hearts experience change the results will be seen in our behaviors. Our hands will become clean as we no longer desire to engage in activities which do not reflect the very nature of God. Our lives become an authentic expression and reflection of our holy God as we participate in his works and mission in this world. His holy love so fills us that there is no longer room for sin to grow. We are continually drawn to his face and this becomes the driving force of all that we do in life. As a result, we continue the upward climb empowered by the Holy Spirit, in confidence that we will stand in his holy place.


Lord, please continue to fill me so that my heart and hands reflect you.  Amen.

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