What’s the Word Today?
13 But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” so that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
God’s children are on this journey together and as such are to be an encouragement to one another. When a brother or a sister seems to be wandering off it should break our heart. Our passions and desires should be for the whole community of faith and therefore we are to speak words which keep us focused in the direction of Christ on a daily basis.
If we do not support and encourage one another we may find it easy and convenient to move into a life of sin. This may not be overt sin to begin with, but it can be an attitude of mind which may lead to being deceived. This deception can eventually harden ones heart and may cause permanent damage both to the individual and the community as a whole. That’s why we are not to be afraid to speak up and embolden one another daily with a word of encouragement.
I’m afraid that we don’t do all that well at taking responsibility for the spiritual community as a whole. Our focus tends to be quite individualized and yet, we are encouraged over and over again to remember that we are part of an entire community of faith. It is God’ plan that we journey in our faith together and that we are accountable to one another.
We have to be careful and not interpret this scripture in a way that makes us believe that we are to be police enforcers of others’ spiritual lives. What it does mean is that God’s people are to be speaking the word to one another every day. In other words — share the good news about Jesus Christ and what that means for the ways in which we are to live! Talk about the positives that give direction and in doing so, the pathway becomes clear. It also becomes quite obvious that there are those who will not listen and will choose to go their own way.
All of God’s children are to be in a process of discipleship. This occurs when we take responsibility for one another within the community of faith. Let’s not be afraid to share a word with our sister or brother today and learn together what it means to be a faithful follower of Jesus Christ.
Lord, please help me be willing to listen to the words of others that may direct and shape my life. Amen.
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