A foot in each world


For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
(Philippians 1:21 NASB)
But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which to choose.
(Philippians 1:22 NASB)
But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better;
(Philippians 1:23 NASB)
yet to remain on in the flesh is more necessary for your sake.
(Philippians 1:24 NASB)



Paul knew he was coming to the end of his life as he was living under house arrest in Rome. He had time to think and reminisce over his life, while at the same time sharing the gospel with this who were guarding him. Many of those who surrounded him had become followers of Christ and the good news was being spread. Therefore Paul lived in this tension. He had fought the good fight, he had been faithful in serving Christ and desperately wanted to be with him, while at the same time he wanted to continue to tell others about Christ. This was his dilemma and Paul was living with one foot in each world, enjoying the benefits of each.



As we walk with the Lord, we too, will find ourselves in this kind of tension. The more we spend time with him, the more we desire him and him alone! It is so sweet to be in his holy presence and experience him and his incredible love for us. We find ourselves wanting to go back to that quiet place over and over and over again. Yet, at the same time, we are called to be in this world. Every one of us is called to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to this world. We are to be Jesus to this world and every day, and every moment of our being should be wrapped up in faithful service to him.

Sometimes I know that we wonder how we can be ministers of the gospel on a daily basis, but Paul provided that example for us. He was locked up under house arrest and did not allow that to keep him from sharing the good news. Instead, he testified to every single person who was there to watch him, and they were becoming believers in droves.

There is a pattern here -- one in which we find the joy of the time spent in Christ's presence -- in his world -- which charges us up -- to go out into this world and be Jesus. In this way, we are to be like Paul who had one foot in each world. Someday we will get to be with Christ all the time and what a wonderful time that will be -- but until that day -- I will serve him faithfully taking the good news of Jesus Christ to a sick world that so desperately needs his healing touch.



Lord, thank you for your amazing love and the joy of your presence. Please, help me to bring you to the world today and everyday. Amen.


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