What is your confession?


By common confession, great is the mystery of godliness: He who was revealed in the flesh, Was vindicated in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Proclaimed among the nations, Believed on in the world, Taken up in glory.
(1 Timothy 3:16 NASB)



At the end of this letter to Timothy we find this early confession of faith in Jesus Christ. Later on the church would develop formal creeds, statements which followers of Christ would make which would declare their faith. Today we still recite the Nicene and Apostles' Creeds as professions of our faith. However, in those early years these creeds were not yet developed and this simple statement, an early creed, comes from the heart. 



How do you describe the One in whom you believe? That is a very good question. As a follower of Jesus Christ, what is my confession? If I had to express my faith in Jesus Christ in one sentence, what would I have to say?  We must step back from this question a moment because there is another question. Is it possible to have any kind of a confession without a personal relationship? I'm afraid that we may find it possible to recite creeds or quote things we have heard, but what about a very personal confession of our relationship with Christ? The world is hungry to know that there is something out there that really is transformational. There is nothing transformational about simply describing something that we have never personally experienced. Our Christ-walk is a very personal relationship with the Son of God. No matter who we are or what we have done, the love of Christ reaches out to us and transforms us into his very likeness.

If someone were to sit across from you and ask you what makes you different, would you have an answer? How could you express your faith in the transforming power of Jesus Christ to them? Every one of us should be able to have our own personal confession which we are ready and willing to share with a needy world. If Jesus has transformed us and filled us with his love and we are passionately in love with him -- wouldn't we just want to share that with everyone we meet? Are you ready to share it? What is your personal confession?



Lord, may I have an opportunity today to share my confession of you! Amen.


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