Causing Roadblocks?


Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned, and turn away from them.
(Romans 16:17 NASB)



Paul makes this comment right after he has listed greetings to so many who have helped him in the work of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Included in the list are ten women, one of whom was a Pastor in a church, another who was an Apostle, others who had churches in their homes, those who discipled other people and many who simply gave all they could to help continue the work of Jesus Christ. After this impressive list of men and women who were working together in the kingdom, Paul admonished those who received his note to be cautious of those who would cause dissension and hindrances to the spreading of the Gospel.



Today there are many who will create roadblocks to women serving in ministry and they will specifically relate troublesome texts from Paul. However, there seems to be an avoidance of this very passage from Paul, because it might seem that this passage is contradictory to the difficult verses. Throughout the centuries of Christianity we have created dissension over the very issue of women in ministry, and I believe it is a great strategy of the enemy. If we look closely at Paul's passage here, it is the synergy which is created when God's men and women work together in the kingdom that produces much fruit. Paul is grateful for the men and women who are working together and this is God's desire. Then, it comes as no surprise that Paul sees it as a hindrance when people take time to argue about such things.

I wonder how much the Gospel has been hurt through the years because God's "sons and daughters" have not been allowed to work together in the blessed alliance that God had intended. God created us to work together as a united front to bring the good news to a hurting and dying world. This is what Paul saw happening in his world and he was supportive of it. Yes, there were times where there were some problems in some specific churches, but those have to be looked at within the context that they were written. When taking all of Paul together, you would have to see that he wanted God's sons and daughters working together for the furtherance of the kingdom.

This entire passage is instructive and affirming of men and women working as partners. It is after this that Paul says to look out for those who are going to try and distort this teaching. He says to turn away from them because they will create roadblocks to what God intends for his people. We live in a world in which there are enough roadblocks that fellow Christians don't need to set up additional roadblocks. May God help us to keep the way clear for his sons and daughters to join hands and work together in his kingdom in ways that we cannot even imagine. The Holy Spirit is poured out and God does miraculous things when we move the human roadblocks and allow the Spirit to move freely in the way that God desires.


Lord, please help us as your children to work united together in the work of your kingdom. Amen.


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