Are you doing your job?


Know well the condition of your flocks, And pay attention to your herds;
(Proverbs 27:23 NASB)



The proverbs are so full of profound statements that at times they become almost overwhelming. Over and over we read and think, "yes, yes, that makes so much sense!" And that is the case with this profound little statement here. We are called to know well the condition of our flocks and we are to pay attention to our herds. Simple -- yet profound.



The statement is simple and yet profound because flocks and herds can be understood on a multitude of levels. Anyone who may be placed within our care or sphere of responsibility is our flock and our herd. For some this may be in their work environment. There are those for whom you may be directly responsible and it is your responsibility to know them -- and to know them well. Find out what it is that makes them tick, and what it is that makes life difficult for them. Make adjustments so that the flock flourishes! The same applies to family members who are within our care. Love them, nourish them and care for them so that they may be their very best.

Interestingly, a herd sounds like a bigger group than the flock. It seems that a flock may be a much more manageable group, but what happens when those within your sphere of responsibility grows to the size of a herd? That might seem absolutely overwhelming and sometimes when we are overwhelmed with responsibility we choose to put our heads in the sand and simply do our own thing and let the herd to its thing. That is irresponsible. Even if the herd is large, we are to pay attention to the herd. The herd is made up of numerous individuals which together create the herd. They don't want to be ignored, but they want to believe that there is someone paying attention to them. The herd may have natural instincts but there are times when the herds must be gently nudged one direction or another to save them from running off the side of a cliff. They need someone who is paying attention, someone who cares, someone who is sensitive enough to keep them on the right path.

Most of us probably have a flock, and some of us may have a herd as a part of our life responsibility. It is our job to know well the condition of the flock; to love and nurture and care for the flock so that they are the best flock around. We are also to pay attention to the herd. Don't let them run off by themselves. Consider those for whom you are responsible, and do your job.



Lord, please help me to be sensitive to those within my care and sphere of responsibility today. Amen.


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