Grace, Love and Fellowship


2Cor. 13:13 ¶ The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.


This is Paul’s benediction for the people of Corinth and it is one in which we clearly see the Holy Trinity.  Jesus’ grace reaches out to all of humanity while the Father’s love characterizes the very nature of God.  All of this is brought together by the communion, or fellowship, or participation with the Holy Spirit.  It is in this revelation of God, seen in the Trinity, that we begin to understand the depths of God’s love and desire for all of humanity to be united together in holy loving fellowship.  It is a fitting benediction for the people of God.


Today is Palm Sunday and a great reminder of all that our Lord Jesus Christ has done for us.  His triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem was celebrated by the myriad of residents.  Unfortunately many of them had no idea who he really was, nor what he was bringing to them.  They only wanted to experience a little bit of what he had to offer.

May we be willing to experience all the fullness of God!  Jesus’ grace continues to reach out to all of humanity to this very day.  All that he encountered and endured during Holy Week reaches out to all, drawing us into a relationship with the Father.  Yes, the loving heavenly Father, who willingly gave up his son so that you and I could be brought back into relationship with him has never changed his nature.  God’s love remains as he gazes in our direction, ever desiring for us to be in communion with him.  And this communion is possible through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.  It is the Holy Spirit who draws us into fellowship with God. 

Why would we desire anything less than the grace, love and fellowship found in God? 

May this prayer of benediction be our prayer on a daily basis as we are privileged to fellowship with our Holy God.


Lord, thank you for this Palm Sunday and all that you have done for us.  The blessings are greater than what we truly can imagine. Thank you.   Amen.


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